Thursday, October 17, 2013

Do you want to be in CONTROL?

The answer to this question is probably yes! for most of us. Who doesn't like to control their day, control their destiny, control how things work in their family. Who doesn't want to protect everyone from harm and make sure everyone is all right! I have big news for you, I mean big, big, big news.

The only thing you can control in life is how you treat yourself and how you interact with others.

You can only control how you "feed" yourself on all levels (food, emotion, spirituality, who you socialize  with etc.) and how you treat yourself (does your inside voice talk negatively or positively?).

Can you control how your husband or children behave? feel? express themselves? eat?  Can you control how your mother feels about you or your children or her life or your life? Can you control what is deep within other people. If you think you can, you must be super-human all powerful.

The only thing you can control in life is how you treat yourself. It is time to stop trying to control things that are out of your hands.  Is it time to begin to look inward and start treating yourself better with better food, better exercise, better relationships, better sleep, more kindness, more time, more start to begin better life?

Every day is a new beginning, every meal is a new beginning, every interaction with another human is a new beginning to do something different and ......well.....better.

My hope for you today is that you treat yourself better today than yesterday.

To Your Best Health,

Denise Lovat
Certified Holistic Health Coach

Visit my website for my complimentary Raw Energy Bites Recipes
Go the to Services Page and at the Request Information Box : type in RAW RECIPES

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